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Can I really heal myself by transcending the ego?

Writer's picture: Nicholas ClayNicholas Clay
Transcending the ego

When I first encountered the concepts laid out by Eckhart Tolle in his book, A New Earth, I learned about the ego. Eckhart Tolle teaches that it is - I - that causes all our mental issues and suffering. It was a moment to take pause. To think that we have the power to heal ourselves of all negativity had me asking myself, "What if it's true? What do I have to lose from practicing this school of thought?"   


From that moment, I set out on an experimental exploration to discover the answers. I eagerly read, studied,  and held on to every word with the fullest of attention. There was not a single word that I allowed myself to misunderstand. If I did not honestly know what a word meant, I would pause and immediately look it up to make sure I understood what was being said before moving on. I wanted the relief that Eckhart and other spiritual teachers speak of, so I became an eager student.

I am

Then I read another book, Gary R. Renard's The Disappearance of the Universe. That book created yet another paradigm shift in my understanding, and again, I asked, "What if it's true?" It was from this book that I learned of non-dualism. After this book, a hundred more followed.    


When reading material or receiving advice, I encourage you to take a second to understand the intention behind it. Then, ask yourself, "What do I have to lose if I follow it?" What if it's true? What can it hurt?

Asking questions gives us the power of comprehension and understanding instead of making quick judgments that close and cage our minds.   

So, what does transcending our ego look like? Jesus was not who he was because of his height, weight, skin color, hair color, etc. He was not who he was because of the body he inhabited, nor was any other being of similar stature, such as Buddha, Gondi, etc. These are examples of enlightened people acting from a higher level of consciousness, not a higher level of humanity. They understood that we are all interconnected. They understood that we are not ultimately of the flesh. Oneness and love is the understanding experienced by our higher selves.

Our spirit unites, while the ego divides us by our differences.

Transcending the ego from I to we

The path of enlightenment is a path of being consciously aware emanating from a vibration of love. It involves observing with understanding and without judgment. Only then will you understand your humanity and what we truly are. It is when we look within that we grow, transcend, and flourish. 

Dissolve the I, and what is left is authenticity. Authenticity is what transcends the ego and alleviates our suffering, our depression, and our anxieties. Authenticity is our freedom to be, and the journey of discovering ourselves allows us to break free from our egoic cages so that we may soar freely and authentically <3.

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